Vulva of Different Animals

Vulva of Different Animals

The vulva or urogenital sinus is the terminal part of the uro-genital tract and is continuous in front with the vagina and opens externally at the vulvar cleft below the anus.

Vulva of Cow

Vulva of Cow is about 10 to 12 cm long and is related above to the rectum and anus and below to the floor of the pelvis and laterally to the sacrosciatic ligaments.

The vulvar cleft is a vertical slit 10 to 12 cm high, margined by two prominent-lips the labia vulvae. They are thick, wrinkled and unite above and below to form the dorsal and ventral commissures respectively. Both commissures are acute; the dorsal one is below the anus while the ventral one is pointed and lies behind and below the level of the ischial arch and has a number of long hairs on it.

The clitoris is composed of erectile tissue and is the homologue of the penis. When the lips are drawn apart a fossa is noticed at the ventral commissure called the fossa clitoridis, which lodges the pointed free end of the clitoris called glans clitoridis.

Below and in continuation with the glans is the corpus clitoridis10 to 12 cm long, which is formed by the union of the two crura clitoridis, which are attached to the ischial symphysis by suspensory ligaments. The external urethral orifice is in the form of a longitudinal slit about 10 to 12 cm from the ventral commissure on the ventral wall.

It is covered by a fold of mucous membrane, the free end of which is directed backwards. Beneath this, is a blind pouch the suburethral diverticulum about 3.5 cm long. The mucous membrane of the vulva is pink or yellowish red in colour. At the floor a pair of large and some small vestibular glands are present.

Vulva of Eve and Doe

Vulva of eve and doe is an inch or more in length. There is a very small diverticulum below the urethral orifice, which is similar in the Goat. The vestibular glands are inconstant. If present, they may be a size of a small bean

The labia are thick and the ventral commissure is pointed and projects downward. The clitoris is short and the glans is concealed in the fossa clitoridis.

Vulva of Mare

The ventral commissure of vulva is rounded and thick in Mare. Suburethral diverticulum is absent. Glans clitoridis is more prominent and the fossa clitoris is wide. Clitoris is short and thick in horse.

Vulva of Sow

The labia are thick and covered with wrinkled skin in Sow. The clitoris is in the form of small projection. The dorsal commissure is rounded and ventral is pointed

The clitoris is long and flexuous. The fossa clitoris is located at an inch cranial to the ventral commissure.

Vulva of Bitch

The labia are thick and ventral commissure is pointed in bitch. The clitoris is flat. The corpus clitoridis is not erectile whereas glans clitoridis is erectile. A fold of mucous membrane extends backwards over the glans and fossa. The mucous membrane is red.

Vulva of Rabbit

The vulval lips are pointed downward in Rabbit.

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