Uterus masculinus or Utriculus prostaticus of Animals

Uterus masculinus or Utriculus prostaticus of Animals

Utriculus prostaticus of Bull

Utriculus prostaticus of Bull is vestigial and is the homologue of the uterus and vagina. It is inconstant.

Utriculus prostaticus of Ram and Buck

Uterus masculinus or Utriculus prostaticus of ram and buck is same as of Ox.

Utriculus prostaticus of Stallion

Utriculus prostaticus of Stallion is a fetal remnant of the Mullerian duct and is situated centrally on the caudal part of the dorsal surface of the bladder.

It is flattened, tube like about 7.5 to 10 cm long. Its cranial part is narrow and lies in the genital fold and gives off two slender cornua.

The caudal end of the tube passes under the isthmus of prostate and opens into the urethra on the summit of the colliculus seminalis or joins the duct of the seminal vesicle or has a blind end.

Utriculus prostaticus of Boar

Utriculus prostaticus is Small and appears to be inconstant in Boar.

Utriculus prostaticus of Dog

Utriculus prostaticus of Dog is in the form of a small compressed sac in the colliculus seminalis.

Utriculus prostaticus of Rabbit

Utriculus prostaticus is inconstant in Rabbit.

Utriculus prostaticus of Cock

Utriculus prostaticus is abesnt in Cock.

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