Alpha 2 Agonists
Veterinary Surgery and RadiologyXylazine (A widely used Alpha 2 Agonists) is a Sedative analgesic and sedative hypnotic. It has predictable sedative analgesic and muscle relaxant action.
Xylazine (A widely used Alpha 2 Agonists) is a Sedative analgesic and sedative hypnotic. It has predictable sedative analgesic and muscle relaxant action.
Sedatives Sedatives used to induce sedation in animals. A mild degree of central depression in which the patient awake but calm. Sufficient stimulation will arouse the patient from sedation. Sedatives act by a dose dependent depression of the cerebral cortex. eg. Benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines such as Diazepam, Midozolam, Lorazepam, Zolazepam used as sedative in animals. Benzodiazepines
Tranquilizers Tranquilizers induce a state of tranquility and calmness in which the patient is awake, relaxed and unconcerned with its surrounding. These used as preanaesthetics in veterinary medicine. Sufficient stimulation will arouse the patient from tranquilizers. These act by depressing the hypothalamus and reticular activating systems. Examples of Tranquilizers are Phenothiazines (Acepromazine, Triflupromazine) & Butyrophenones
Anticholinergics as Preanaesthetic Anticholinergics like Atropine, Glycopyrolate and Pyrolate are used as preanaesthetic because of their anti secretory actions (Decrease Gastro intestinal and Respiratory tract secretions). Atropine Atropine decrease the oral, pharyngeal and respiratory tract secretions. Atropine dilates bronchi and increase both anatomic and physiologic dead space. Atropine suppresses the vagal influence on the heart,
“Preanaesthetics help in reduce the dose of anaesthetic agent and good for safe and smooth recovery of the animal after surgery.”
Stages of general Anaesthesia Inhalant anaesthetics such as ether, chloroform when used to induce and maintain anaesthesia typically exhibit the following four Stages of general Anaesthesia- General anaesthesia is defined as the state of controlled and reversible loss of consciousness, characterized by loss of pain(analgesia), amnesia, muscle relaxation and relatively depressed reflex responses. Stage 1:
General considerations for anaesthesia in animals General considerations for anaesthesia in animals should be carried out for successful recovery of the animal after surgery. Anaesthetic drugs depress the respirations, cardio vascular and nervous system at therapeutic doses. During anaesthesia, the patients oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature shall be continually evaluated. Oxygenation(arterial O2 saturation SaO2SPO2)
General considerations for anaesthesia in animals Read More »
General Anaesthesia General anaesthesia is a state of controlled and reversible loss of consciousness characterized by analgesia (lack of pain), amnesia (lack of memory), muscle relaxation and immobilisation (relatively depressed reflex responses). Anaesthesia Anaesthetic protocol Use of anaesthetic technique and agents to achieve general anaesthesia. Balanced Anaesthesia State of CNS depression achieved by the administration
History of Veterinary Anaesthesiology