Cataract in animals
Veterinary Surgery and RadiologyCataract in animals is a degenerative lesion of the lens, this cause opacity of lens.
Cataract in animals is a degenerative lesion of the lens, this cause opacity of lens.
Cornea is the exposed part of the eye that is prone for Surgical affections in animals as well as human.
Surgical affections of eyeball Surgical affections of eyeball in animals are Anophthalmia, Exophthalmos, Enophthalmos or pig eye, Hydrophthalmos, Strabismus or squint, Glaucoma, Dermoid cyst etc. Surgical affections of eyeball Surgical affections of eyeball in animals are- Anophthalmia Complete absence of the eye ball (Anophthalmia) in a young dog Anophthalmia is the complete absence of the
Surgical affections of the Eyes Surgical affections of the Eyes are Tarsal cyst, Hordeolum, Dacryo-adenitis, Blepharitis, Entropion and Entropion, Lagophthalmos, Blepharospasm, Ptosis, Trichiasis and Distichiasis, Conjunctivitis, Prolapsed nictitans gland, Limbus melanoma, Naso lacrimal duct occlusion etc. Anatomy of eye The eyeball and its surroundings– Visual function tests for eyes A blind animal is nervous and
Dogs treated with surgical replacement of the gland have a lower incidence of dry eye later in life than dogs that are either left untreated or have the prolapsed gland excised.
In systemic diseases, the appearance of the conjunctiva is altered. In cases of gastrointestinal disorders, it is congested; in jaundice, it is yellow; and it shows petechial (pinpoint haemorrhages) in toxaemia and septicaemia.
Untreated ottitis externa leads the infection to inside the ear and cause ottitis media, further it leads to otitis interna.
Surgical affections of the Ears Surgical affections of the ears are congenital affections, aural hematoma, otitis, faulty ear carriage, therapeutic otoplasty, necrosis and ulceration of conchal cartilage, neoplasms of ear etc. The ear is divided in to four parts- the Pinna, external ear cannal, middle ear and Internal ear. Surgical landmarks of the auricular cartilage
In breeds of dog with long and pendulous ears. If Aural Hematoma not treated, It may organises into large scar causing deformity in shape of ear pinna.
Surgical affections of the Jaws in animals are mainly due to trauma and congenital or acquired.