Surgical affections of udder and teats
Surgical affections of udder and teats are getting much attention now a days as these affects the economy of the farmer. Milk alone contributes around 63% to the total output from livestock.
Surgical affections of udder and teats are getting much attention now a days as these affects the economy of the farmer. Milk alone contributes around 63% to the total output from livestock.
Surgical procedures of the ovary and uterus in animals are Ovariohysterectomy (OHE) and spaying, which are gaining more popularity in small animals for more companionship and less disease affinity.
Surgical procedures of testicle and Scrotum in animals are Orchiectomy, Castration and Vasectomy are widely used in small and large animals for various indications.
Surgical affections of penis and sheath Surgical affections of penis and sheath in animals are Hypospadias, Persistent penile frenulum, Fracture
Surgical affections of the kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra in animals are various. Urolithiasis is a common affection encountered in male animals due to obstruction of the urine pathway by stones in the sigmoid flexor part.
Surgical affections of Spleen in animals are Splenomegaly, Torsion of the spleen, Tumors of Spleen, Splenic infarction etc.
Surgical affection of liver in animals are portosystemic shunts, tumors, abscess, trauma, Cholelithiasis etc.
Intestinal obstruction of large intestine is infrequent in ruminants but common surgical affections in dog and cats.
One common surgical affections of small intestine in animals is
Surgical affections of ruminant stomach are important as in bovines and small ruminants, the compound stomach occupies approximately three fourth of the abdominal cavity and almost fills the left half of it.