Protozoan Diseases of Pet Birds
Veterinary MedicineProtozoan diseases in pet birds are caused by various microscopic single-celled organisms that invade different body systems, leading to a range of health issues.
Protozoan diseases in pet birds are caused by various microscopic single-celled organisms that invade different body systems, leading to a range of health issues.
Mycotic diseases of pet birds can affect various organ systems, including the respiratory, digestive, and integumentary systems.
Reproductive diseases of pet birds originate form reproductive tract itself or secondary to disease of some other organ.
The main symptom of gastro intestinal diseases of pet birds are oral discharge/salivation, vomiting/regurgitation, loose faeces/dysentery, undigested seed in the faeces, white coloured feces, and in case of obstruction no faeces.
Metabolic diseases of caged pet birds may be due to deficiency of one or many indispensable elements, imbalance of calcium, phosphorus may cause bone disorder, and excess caloric intake may cause obesity, fat deposits and fatty liver.
Ectoparasites of pet birds are air sac mite (Sternostoma tracheacolum), Cnemidocoptes species, Red/roost mite, Ticks, Lice, etc.
Viral skin conditions of pet birds are Pox virus diseases, Papillomas, Psittacine beak and feather dystrophy and hyperplasia, etc.
Bacterial skin condition of pet birds are cutaneous ulcers, skin infections, skin lesions associated with systemic diseases, etc.
Feather problems in pet birds are self-mutilation of feathers, gang-gang syndrome, stress dermatitis, superficial mycoses, etc.
Common diseases of pet birds are diseases of integumentary system, laceration, feather haemorrhage, breast blisters, Bumble foot (Pododermatitis), etc.