Dermatophilosis (Mycotic Dermatitis)
Veterinary MedicineDermatophilosis (Mycotic Dermatitis) is a disease of superficial skin of animals and man, manifested by exudation with matting of hairs, wools and formation of crusts and scab.
Dermatophilosis (Mycotic Dermatitis) is a disease of superficial skin of animals and man, manifested by exudation with matting of hairs, wools and formation of crusts and scab.
Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) is a benign fungal disease affecting cattle and dogs. It creates a major public health problems in human.
Trichothecene Mycotoxins are powerful inhibitors of protein synthesis in host. Trichothecenes are different from most other potential weapons toxins because they can act through the skin.
Ochratoxicosis occurs seldom in poultry. It is more lethal in acute toxicity. It caused by Aspergillus ochraceus that interferes with functions of kidney, proventriculus and gizzard.
Aflatoxicosis is the Mycotoxicosis produced by Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus or Penicillium puberulum.
Histoplasmosis is also known as Epizootic Lymphangitis, Pseudo-glanders, Equine blastomycosis, and Equine histoplasmosis. It is a Zoonotic disease.
Candidiasis in animals is a fungal disease caused by an yeast, Candida albicans, and has been manifested by the development of mucocutaneous mycoses in skin, hair and nail.
Aspergillosis (Mycotic Pneumonia) is primarily an important disease of respiratory system, manifested by granulomatous lesions in lungs. Mycosis is a fatal disease of man and animals caused by toxins produced by several species of fungus.
Sporotrichosis or rose handlers disease is a chronic, contagious and suppurative granulomatous disease caused by a fungus. It develops cutaneous nodules and ulcers over the skin and subcutaneous tissues along the lymphatic tracts.