Surgery of Necrosis in animals

Surgery of Necrosis in animals

Surgery of Necrosis in animals is surgical excision as it is irreversible and cannot be

Necrosis means death of tissue in the body. This occurs when enough blood is not supplied to the tissue, whether from injury, radiation, or chemicals.

Necrosis is not reversible.

Classification of Necrosis

Avascular necrosis

Avascular necrosis is a disease resulting from the temporary or permanent loss of the blood supply to the bones. Without blood, the bone tissue dies and causes the bone to collapse. This disease also is known as osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis, and ischemic bone necrosis

Coagulative necrosis

Coagulative necrosis is typically seen in hypoxic environments (e.g. myocardial infarction , infarct of the spleen ).

Liquefactive necrosis

Liquefactive necrosis is usually associated with cellular destruction and pus formation (e.g. pneumonia ).

Haemorrhagic necrosis

Haemorrhagic necrosis is due to blockage of the venous drainage of an organ or tissue (e.g. in testicular torsion ).

Caseous necrosis

Caseous necrosis is a specific form of coagulation necrosis typically caused by mycobacteria (e.g. tuberculosis ).

Fatty necrosis

Fatty necrosis results from the action of lipases on fatty tissues (e.g. acute pancreatitis , mammary tissue necrosis).

Fibrinoid necrosis

Fibrinoid necrosis is caused by immune -mediated vascular damage. It is marked by deposition of fibrin -like proteinaceous material in arterial walls.

There are many causes of necrosis including injury, infection, cancer, infarction, toxins and inflammation.

Severe damage to one essential system in the cell leads to secondary damage to other systems, a so-called “cascade of effects”.

Etiology of Necrosis-

  • Necrosis can arise from lack of proper care to a wound site.
  • Physical agents like excessive heat or cold.
  • Mechanical injuries that crush or cut off blood supply.
  • Loss of blood supply cuts off oxygen may be due to passive hyperemia with sluggish flow of nutrients and deficient oxygenation (volvulus, strangulated hernia) and ischemia (decreased blood supply to a part) due to thrombus or embolism; compression of an artery, and ergot poisoning.

Treatment of Necrosis-

As Necrosis is not reversible process. It can not be treated, this part has to be removed by surgery.

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