Structure of Ovary of Animals

Ovary of Animals

The ovaries are two small oval glands, which secrete the ova and are situated a little above the middle of the lateral margin of the pelvic inlet.

Ovary of Cow

Ovary of Cow is attached to the lateral abdominal wall by the cranial part of the broad ligament of the uterus – mesovarium.

Structure of ovary of animals - cow Ovary
Ovary of Cow

Each measures about 3.5 to 4 cm long 2.5 cm wide and1.25 cm thick, weighs about 15 to 20 gm. The size and shape of the ovary are affected by age, ovarian follicle and corpusluteum.

The ovary presents two surfaces, two borders and two extremities. The medial and lateral surfaces are smooth and rounded. The attached or mesovarial border is considered as hilus, which is convex, where the vessels and nerves reach the gland at this border. The free border is also convex. The cranial tubal extremity is rounded and is related to the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube. The uterine or caudal extremity is narrower and is connected to the uterus by the ovarian ligament.

Ovary of Eve and Doe

Ovary of Eve and Doe resemble in general those of cow with few exceptions. The ovaries are almond shaped and are half inch or more (1.5cm) long.

Ovary of Mare

Ovary is Bean shaped and much larger, 7 to 8 cm long, 3 to 4 cm thick, weighs 70 to 80 gm in mare. Situated in the sublumbar region under the 4th or 5th lumbar vertebra.

Structure of ovary of animals - Mare Ovary
Ovary of Mare

The notch on the free border leads into a depression the ovulation fossa, where ovulation takes place.

Ovary of Sow

Structure of ovary of animals - Sow Ovary
Ovary of Sow

Ovaries are concealed in a peritoneal pouch called ovarian bursa in Sow. They are round and irregular lobulated surface seen due to the presence of rounded prominences on its surface.

Ovary of Bitch

Small, elongated, oval and flattened; average length 2 cm ovary present in Bitch (Dog). Situated a little behind (1 to 2 cm) the caudal pole of the corresponding kidney.

Structure of ovary of animals - Bitch Ovary
Ovary of Bitch

The two layers of the ovarian bursa continue to the cornu of the uterus consisting mesosalphinx and the ovarian ligament. The bursa has a slit-like opening ventrally.

Ovary of Rabbit

Ovaries are elongated in Rabbit. Pinkish in colour and about 1cm long and 4mm thick.

Ovary of Hen

Only left ovary is present since the right one is usually rudimentary in Hen (Fowl).

The left ovary is situated in the dorsal part of the abdominal cavity, attached to the dorsal wall below the last two ribs. It has the left lung above and in front; the cranial lobe of the kidney above proventriculus and spleen below; caudal venacava medially. The ovary consists of a mass of loosely connected, yellowish and round objects of different sizes, each containing an ovum. It is in the form of bunch of grapes in mature stage.

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