

Spondylosis is a degenerative, noninflammatory condition of the spinal column characterized by the production of bone spurs along the bottom, sides, and upper aspects of the vertebrae of the spine.

These bone spurs are simply projected growths of bone, usually grown in response to aging, or injury.

Radiograph showing Spondylosis in a vertebral column
Radiograph showing Spondylosis in a vertebral column


Spondylosis deformans is a chronic condition that is associated with aging. Research indicates that it often develops as a secondary problem related to degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs.

In the normal spine, the vertebral bones are joined by ligaments to form a flexible protective column around the spinal cord. There is an intervertebral disc between each vertebral bone, and these discs act as shock absorbers and cushions. The series of joints that make up the spine give the back flexibility of motion while protecting the delicate spinal cord from damage.

Clinical signs

  • Pain may follow fracture of bony spurs or bridges
  • Stiffness
  • Restricted motion
  • Pain

Radiography X-rays will reveal osteophytes (small, bony growths) on the vertebrae, or in more advanced cases an osteophyte may be found as a bridge in the space between the vertebrae.


  • Soft bedding
  • Regular short walk
  • Maintain weight
  • NSAIDs


Spondylosis deformans may go undiagnosed for years or even the dog’s entire life if there are no symptoms. Even though their flexibility and range of motion may be somewhat restricted, many affected dogs lead happy lives.

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