Role of Veterinary Hospital in Zoo

Role of Veterinary Hospital in Zoo

Role of Veterinary Hospital in Zoo is health and disease management to obtain welfare of the confined wild animals.

Central zoo authority has prescribed number of veterinarians required for various types of zoos and the type of zoo helps to determine the number of veterinarians in this case.

However, it is understood that health and disease management in the zoological park is most significant one to be maintained successfully for the welfare of the confined wild animals in the zoos.

Basic requisites of zoo veterinary hospital

  • Squeeze cages
  • Trap cages
  • Immobilization related gadgets
  • Drugs(All types including immobilization and treatment related ones including the prophylactic ones).
  • Clinical laboratory
  • Post-mortem room
  • X-ray unit
  • Modern Diagnostic equipments
  • Antivenin
  • Antiseptics and disinfectants
  • Coveralls, gloves, specimen-containers, sample-containers etc.

Veterinary Medical Record System In Zoo

The different diseases occurring in various wild animals belonging to multiple species are to be documented in a proper form.

Post mortem records should be maintained in a proper manner. Similar is the case with treatment register.

Reference books that are required in the routine day to day therapy of wild animals should be available in the zoo.

Different terms for males, females and young ones of various wild fauna need to be well known to veterinarians working in various zoological parks, zoos and zoological gardens.

Stud Book in Zoo

The stud book for the significant species needs to be maintained. For example, the stud book for Asiatic lion should contain the following details:

  • Name of the enclosure
  • House name and number
  • National Stud book number International Stud book number Sex Sire (National Stud book number) Dam (National Stud book number) Date of birth Since when Date of death.
  •  Remarks if any (Details as if rescued or transferred).

Stock Selection by the Zoo Veterinarian

Stock with a sound genetic pattern has to be selected for keeping in the zoo as exhibits to prevent the intervention pertaining to the health and disease management.

Captive propagation is a must for ht exhibition of many wild animals in the zoo in an economical manner.

The care is to be taken in order to avoid the selection of wild animals that are quoted below:

  • Sick animals
  • Emaciated animals
  • Stunted animals
  • Poorly formed animals
  • Animals with disease or injurie
  • Gross view on the effects of inbreeding by analyzing the history etc.
  • Animal with genetic defects if any.

Population Control and Zoo

Generally the zoos comprise rare wild animals in its collection and assist the successful breeding of these animals for subsequent to release in the wild or to transfer to other zoos. However, it is also equally true that many wild animal species breed to a larger extent causing problem in the management.

Hence, effective measures are to be undertaken in order to have a better control over the population of the concerned wild animal species.

Reason for the Increase of Population in a Zoo

  • Adaptation of good treatment of diseases / disorders if any found in a systematic manner.
  • Adaptation of due prophylactic measures against the probable diseases.
  • Enrichment of feeding is always done regularly in zoos.
  • Absence of predators in a zoo atmosphere, unlike the conditions prevailing in the wild.
  • Lesser mortality due to the enhancement in health care measures.

Excessive Population in Zoo

In general, there are wide variations in the existence of excessive population of wild animals in a zoological park or zoo or zoological garden. The list of wild animals in excess may vary from zoo to zoo or country to country.

In general, following wild animals may be found in excess numbers in many zoos:

  • Spotted deer
  • Bonnet macaques
  • Rhesus macaques 
  • Mugger crocodiles 
  • Black buck
  • Lions

Population Control Strategies

  1. Separation of sexes: This helps in the prevention of the fight between the male-members of same wild animal species.
  2. Separating the sexes is one of the easiest method to be adapted in various zoos and is a widely.
  3. Surgical intervention: wherever possible (eg. Vasectomy which is ideal than the castration. This is because of the fact that castration is being associated with the loss of secondary sexual characters like mane in lions.
  4. Hormonal intervention and others.
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