It is a short (usually absent) vessel, which drains the lymph from the right side of head, neck, right forelimb and thorax. When absent, several ducts open directly into thoracic duct or jugular confluence.
It is formed by the union of right tracheal lymph duct and the efferents of right posterior cervical and right axillary glands.
It lies on the deep face of the scalenus above terminal part of the right jugular vein.
It opens into the anterior vena cava.
Tracheal duct
These are right and left and are formed essentially by the confluence of efferent vessels from the atlantal lymph gland.
They receive efferents of cervical, costocervical and prescapular glands.
They pass along each side of the trachea and oesophagus in relation to the carotid arteries.
The right duct joins the efferents of the posterior cervical and costocervical glands to form the right lymphatic duct or it may join the right common jugular vein.