Radiographic features of specific conditions
Radiographic features of specific conditions like fracture, dislocation, septic arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, pneumonia, pericarditis will be discussed in this post.
Radiographic features of Fracture
A lucent line or lines noticed at the beginning could be seen in a normal healing fracture, Osteocalcis along the fracture line within 5 days.
Bridging calcified periosteal callous formation and remodeling of callus with restoration of continuity of the modularly cavity and cortex with Reformation of the normal trebacular pattern from one fragment to another.
Serial radiographs are needed for correct interpretation of dynamic process fracture healing.
In case of Non-union fracture, irregular translucent fracture line present and broken ends of the bone appear whiter (sclerotic).
There is often thick new bone around the fracture, and obliteration of the medullary cavity could be seen in a radiograph of a healing non-union fracture.
Radiographic features of Dislocation
In case of Dislocation, Mal-alignment and displacement of the apposing articular surfaces will be happen so, disruption of adjacent fascial plane and periarticular soft tissue swelling could be seen in a radiograph.
Radiographic features of Septic Arthritis
Septic Arthritis is a condition where periarticular soft tissue swelling and distension of joint capsule take place. In early stages– increase in joint space due to synovial effusion. and as the disease progresses – Narrowing of the joint space due to destruction of the articular surface. In Advanced cases– Widening of joint space due to subchondral bone aestruction could be seen in a radiograph.
Radiographic features of Degenerative joint disease
Spurs or osteophyte formation along the articular margins of the bones (Lipping) and Increased density of the articular ends the bones could be seen in a radiograph of Degenerative joint disease. along with this, Narrowing or collapse of the joint space and Intra-articular and or Periarticular calcification may also be present.
Radiographic features of lungs in Pneumonia
Lung markings increased in both in size and number, Increased patchy densities with irregular and indistinct borders could be seen in Pneumonia.

In aspiration pneumonia or Pulmonary infiltration– Irregular poorly defined areas of increased density in lungs noticed could be seen in x-ray radiographs.
Radiographic features of Pericarditis
Cardiac shadow appears rounded and enlarged, If traumatic in origin– Foreign body embedded in the pericardium may be visible (only radio opaque FB) could be seen.