Projects Related to Breeding of Wild and Zoo Animals

Projects Related to Breeding of Wild and Zoo Animals

Various projects related to breeding of wild and zoo Animals were established towards better breeding aspects of the selected wild animal species.

Crocodile Breeding Project

Crocodile Breeding Project launched due to the large scale hunting for their skin, the 3 species of crocodiles, the Mugger or Fresh water or Swamp crocodile, the Gharial and the Salt water or Estuarine crocodile got reduced in their numbers.

From 1st April, 1975, the actual project was started with the following objectivities:

  • To continue the task of locating best crocodile areas within the country.
  • To collect eggs as soon as possible after laying and transport them to central protection area for hatchery incubation and to rear the young one until it assumes size for release back into the wild.

Elephant Project

The Elephant Project was started officially in 1991-92 but launched in 1993 by the central Government to afford protection to elephants and it had following objectives:

  • To identify the limiting factors of the habitat and to remove it by the management.
  • To adapt systematic management plans.
  • To eliminate human exploitation and disturbances.
  • To build up the elephant habitat to reduce limiting factors.
  • To develop the elephant by planning and propagating the favourite food plants of the elephant.

Project Lion

The Project Lion is the top carnivore in the food chain of the ecosystem. In 1972, this project was initiated in India. Accordingly, to facilitate successful breeding of lions, following were implemented in this project:

  • Shifting of all maldharis from sanctuary and their resettlement outside it.
  • Construction of barricades along the water resources to prevent entry of cattle.
  • Fencing of periphery of the Gir sanctuary by dry rubble wall of 1 meter height as the protective measure.
  • Minimizing of human interferences within the ecosystem.
  • Securing of full co-operation of legistlators, public and maldharis.
  • Improving the habitat of lions in Gir region.

Project Tiger

On recommendations from the task force set up by the Indian board for wildlife, Project Tiger was initiated as a Central Sector scheme in 1973. The breeding of tigers was facilitated by improvement of tiger habitat by identifying and limiting of the limiting factors of the habitat for tiger population. Thorough emphasis was given on protection of tigers, fire-protection, disease control, shifting of villages inside the tiger reserve areas, grazing control, development of water resources, enhancement of research and population estimation etc. Many tiger reserves were started and tiger conservation was aimed in these.

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