Cobalt (Co) Deficiency
Cobalt (Co) deficiency is also known as ovine white liver disease in sheep, hepatic lipidosis in goat and in enzootic marasmus in cattle.
Cobalt (Co) deficiency is also known as ovine white liver disease in sheep, hepatic lipidosis in goat and in enzootic marasmus in cattle.
Copper Deficiency (Hypocuprosis) is called Falling disease or Peat scours in cattle, Yellow calf or Unthriftiness (pine) in calves and Swayback or Enzootic ataxia in sheep.
Canine Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is caused by excess circulating cortisol or other steroid hormones. It is also known as Cushing’s syndrome.
Diabetes Mellitus in dogs classified as either type I or type II, is a generally treatable condition caused by insulin deficiency.
Hypothyroidism in dogs is one of the more common canine endocrine disorders, but there is a tendency for it to be over diagnosed, and an understanding of the clinical signs and diagnostic tests is essential.
Sporadic Acute Exertional Rhabdomyolysis in Horses is a most common cause is performing exercise of unaccustomed intensity or duration, which can result in metabolic exhaustion and hyperthermia.
Sporadic Acute Exertional Rhabdomyolysis in Horses Read More »
Pathogenesis of Osteodystrophia fibrosa is similar to osteomalacia, but it differs in that soft, cellular and fibrous tissue is laid down as a result of the weakness of the bone.
Nutritional Hemoglobinuria is a metabolic disease of high producing dairy cows and buffaloes characterized by intravascular hemolysis, hemoglobinuria and anemia.
Hypomagnesemia in Cattle is a complex metabolic disturbance by reduced concentration of magnesium in blood and CSF, which lead to hyper-excitability, muscular spasms, convulsions, respiratory distress, collapse, and death.
Neonatal Hypoglycemia also known as baby pig disease. It is a common cause of death in newborn piglets. It can occur when piglets don’t get enough milk.