Pterygoid bone
Veterinary AnatomyPterygoid bone are thin plates of bones situated on either side of the posterior nares located over the perpendicular parts of the palatine bones
Pterygoid bone are thin plates of bones situated on either side of the posterior nares located over the perpendicular parts of the palatine bones
Palatine bones of Ox are situated on either side of the posterior nares and each consists of a horizontal and perpendicular (vertical) part.
Maxilla bone of Ox is the largest bone of the upper jaw and carries the upper cheek tooth. It is situated on the lateral aspect of the face.
Premaxilla bone of Ox forms the anterior part of the upper jaw and has a body and two process -nasal and palatine
Nasal bone of ox are elongated curved plates situated in front of the frontals and form the greater part of the roof of the nasal cavity
The face is more extensive than the cranium in most of the domestic animals. Some of these bones involved in the formation of nasal cavity
he cranial cavity encloses the brain with its membranes and blood vessels. The dorsal wall or roof is formed by the body of frontal bone
The frontal bones are situated on the dorsal aspect of the skull and form the entire roof of the cranium. They are the largest of cranial bones.
Temporal bone form part of the lateral walls of the cranium. Each consists of squamous and petrous parts, which are fused completely at birth
Ethmoid bone is a single bone situated in front of the presphenoid and has a cribriform plate, a perpendicular part and two lateral masses