Coffin Joint of forelimb
Veterinary AnatomyThe distal interphalangeal articulations are two for each limb. Each is a ginglymus formed between the second and third phalanges and the distal sesamoid
The distal interphalangeal articulations are two for each limb. Each is a ginglymus formed between the second and third phalanges and the distal sesamoid
The proximal interphalangeal articulations are two for each limb. Each is ginglymus formed between the first and second phalanges
There are two Fetlock joint of forelimb for each limb. Each is a ginglymus formed between the distal extremity of the large metacarpal
Inter metacarpal joint is a diarthrosis and an amphiarthrosis formed between the large and small metacarpal bones
Ox Knee joint is composite joint consisting of- Radio-ulnar-carpal articulations Carpal articulations Proximal carpal articulations Intercarpal articulations Distal carpal articulations Carpo-metacarpal articulations. The joint as a whole is having common ligaments and special ligaments Common ligaments Capsular ligament is a loose sac. Its anterior part is called dorsal carpal ligament, which covers the joint in front and is adherent to the extensor
Elbow or Cubital joint is a composite joint consisting of – Humero-radio-unlar articulation and Radio-ulnar articulation.
Shoulder joint is an enarthrosis formed between the glenoid cavity of the scapula and the head of the Humerus.
Joints of the Forelimb- Shoulder joint, Elbow joint, Carpal joint , Intermetacarpal articulation, Fetlock joint, Pastern joint, Coffin joint.
The thoracic articulations may be divided as – Extrinsic / Costo-vertebral articulations and Intrinsic articulations.
These are the Sacral and Coccygeal articulations – Sacro-lumbar articulation, Inter-sacral, Sacro-coccygeal, Inter-coccygeal articulation.