Postmortem Appearance of Shock

Postmortem Appearance of Shock

Postmortem appearance of shock due to severe injuries like Fracture, Crushing of tissues, Extensive lacerations and Avulsions, etc. seen.

  • Fracture
  • Crushing of tissues
  • Extensive lacerations and Avulsions
  • Generalised visceral congestion.
  • Oedema of the lungs.
  • Dark red fluid blood.
  • Petechial haemorrhage in serious membranes and parenchymatous organs.

Procedures on Suspicion

  • Take careful history, which may indicate changes of feed composition, exposure to poison or
  • administration of potentially toxic preparation.
  • Make a careful examination of the environment to look for the potential pathogens.
  • Note the symptoms carefully and the time of their occurrence.
  • When there is illness of large number of animals at a time and showing the same symptoms and post-mortem lesions.
  • Carefully examine dead animals for signs of struggling, frothy nasal discharge etc.
  • For correct diagnosis, it is essential to have the proper collection, preservation and chemical analysis
  • from a forensic laboratory. The following tale gives the summary of the samples to e collected indifferent suspected conditions.
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