Vagina of animals
The vagina of animals consists of two parts, Outer or vestibular portion and Posterior or internal portion. Wall of vagina consists of surface epithelium, muscular coat and serosa.
Functions of vagina
- Female copulatory organ into which semen is deposited
- Acts as semen reservoir for the cervix
- Micro-ridges on the surface and muscles in the walls distend to facilitate mating and parturition
- Muscular contractions Important for psychosexual satisfaction and Sperm transport
- Absorption of seminal plasma – Seminal fluid constituents absorbed through vagina could influence the activity in other portions of FRT
- Excretory duct for the cervix and uterus – Most of the mucus excreted via the vagina is actually produced in the cervix
- Incorrectly called vaginal mucus
- Fluids exude from the vascular supply although no secretory glands present in the vagina. Along with cervical mucus buffer the pH of vagina.
- Specific smell of vaginal secretion in cow at estrus. Identified by bulls and dogs
- Capacitation of sperm in some species – Rabbit