Physical properties of bile

Physical properties of bile

Bile from hepatic duct is a viscid, greenish or greenish yellow with golden tinge liquid with a bitter taste. the compositions varies upon whether the bile is obtained from gall bladder or from the ducts of the liver. 

  • The constituents of the bile are
    1. Bile pigments
    2. Bile acids or salts of bile acids
    3. Cholesterol
    4. Lecithin
    5. Mucin and alike substances
    6. Fat, soap, urea
    7. Inorganic substances like Na, K, Ca, Cl and HCO3

Composition of bile

Hepatic bileGall bladder bile
Water97.5 gm%92   gm %
Bile salts    1.1 gm%6    gm %
Bilirubin 0.04 gm%0.3 gm %
Cholesterol  0.1 gm%0.3  – 0.9 gm %
Fatty acids 0.12 gm%0.3 – 1.2 gm %
Lecithin 0.04 gm%0.3 gm %
Na+    145 mEq /1130 mEq/1
K+5 mEq/112 mEq/1
Ca+                         5 mEq /123 mEq/1
CI  100 mEq/125 mEq/1
HCO328  mEq/110 mEq/1
pH7.1-7.36.9 – 7.7
Composition of bile

Amount of bile secreted  in different species

Horse 250-300 ml/hour
Ox98-111 ml/hour
Sheep7-154 ml/hour
Pig70-140 ml/hour
Dog7-14 ml /hour
Man (Adult)300-1200 ml/hour
Amount of bile secreted  in different species
  •  The volume of bile secretion depends on many factors
    1. Blood flow to the liver,
    2. Digestive state of the animal
    3. Composition of food.

Methods of  bile collection

  1. Bile can be obtained by gall bladder fistula from gall bladder.
  2. Direct connection of the common bile duct also helps in getting the bile from animals.
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