Pastern joint of forelimb

Table of Contents


The proximal interphalangeal articulations are two for each limb. Each is ginglymus formed between the first and second phalanges. It has a glenoid fibro cartilage behind, kept in position by ligament and confounded with the tendon of the superficial flexor.

  • Ligaments
    1. The capsular ligament
    2. Abaxial collateral ligament extends from axial face of distal extremity of first phalanx to abaxial face of proximal extremity of second phalanx
    3. Axial collateral ligaments extend from the axial face of distal extremity of first phalanx to the interdigital or axial face of the proximal extremity of the second phalanx. Fibers also extend downwards to be attached to the interdigital face of third phalanx.
    4. Volar abaxial and volar axial ligaments which extends from the first phalanx to the proximal extremity of the second phalanx on the corresponding aspects.
    5. Proximal or superior inter digital ligament is a strong ligament of intercrossing fibres connects the axial faces of the shafts of the first phalanges in each limb.
    6. A strong band of fibres unite the rudimentary digits of the second phalanx.
    7. The distal or inferior inter-digital ligament (cruciate) consists of two strong bands attached above to the lateral tubercles at the proximal extremity of the second phalanx of each digit cross each other in the inter-digital spaces, behind and are inserted to the navicular bone of the other digit and axial face of the second phalanx and the navicular bone of the same digit to some extent.
    8. The two inter-digital ligaments prevent excessive abduction of the digits.
  • Motion
    1. Extension and flexion.
  • There is only one such joint in each limb.
  • Inter-digital ligaments crossing the volar face of the first phalanges restrict apart of the digits.
  • The 2nd & 3rd; 3rd & 4th; 4th & 5th are connected.
  • It has the glenoid cartilage which is united  on its posterior surface to the tendon of the superficial digital flexor and is kept attached to the first phalanx.
  • It has one capsular ligament and two lateral ligaments. 
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