Palatine bones of Ox are situated on either side of the posterior nares and each consists of a horizontal and perpendicular (vertical) part.
- Horizontal part
- It forms the posterior one-fourth of the bony palate.
- Its anterior border joins the palatine process of maxilla.
- The posterior border is free and gives attachment to the aponeurosis of soft palate.
- Its medial border meets its fellow on the median palatine surface.
- Its palatine surface is perforated about its middle by the anterior palatine foramenin continuation with which is the very faint palatine groove in front.
- The palatine canal is formed entirely in this part, open behind at the maxillary hiatus- the posterior palatine foramen.
- The horizontal part consists of two tables, which enclose a part of palatine sinus.
- Vertical part
- It forms the posterior part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and in part bound the posterior nares.
- It has the pterygoid articulating with it medially and the sub-sphenoidal process of the post sphenoid laterally.
- It presents a notch along its upper edge which, with the ethmoid and the presphenoid forms spheno-palatine foramen.
- Behind this it articulates with the presphenoid.
- The horizontal part is narrow and is not excavated to form the palatine sinus.
- Anterior palatine foramen is formed between the anterior border of the horizontal part and the palatine process of the maxilla.
- The palatine canal is formed between the maxilla and the vertical part.
- The perpendicular part is more extensive consists of two plates and is excavated to form the palatine part of the spheno-palatine sinus, behind the spheno palatine foramen.
- The inner plate curves medially to articulate with the vomer.
- The outer plate joins the maxilla frontal and the orbital wing of the sphenoid. It may join the lacrimal also.
- The horizontal part is extensive and forms the posterior one third of the bony palate.
- The palatine canal is sometimes formed entirely in the horizontal part.
- The perpendicular part is very extensive.
- Its lateral surface is free and forms most of the medial wall of the pterygo-palatine fossa.
- The maxillary foramen is situated in deep recess between this bone and the zygomatic process of the malar. Just above this is another foramen opening into the nasal cavity.
- The posterior palatine and spheno-palatine foramina are situated further back and a little lower.
- The former is ventral to the latter. A horizontal plate extends from the nasal surface, meets its fellow and the laminae of the vomer to complete the lamina transversalis that divides the olfactory and the respiratory parts of the nasal cavity.
- There is no palatine sinus.
- It is wide behind and narrow in front. It forms lateral boundary of the posterior opening of the al cavity and part of the roof of mouth.
- It meets the pterygoid and the sphenoid posteriorly and the premaxilla and maxilla anteriorly.