Neuro transmitters of Autonomic Nervous System

Neuro transmitters of Autonomic Nervous System

Acetyl choline (Ach)

This is the neuro transmitter produced by preganglionic fibers of both sympathetic & parasympathetic systems. Post ganglionic fiber of parasympathetic system produce Ach at their neuro effector site in visceral organ


  • Post ganglionic fibers of sympathetic system produce noradrenaline or adrenaline at their neuro effector site on the effector organs.
  • Exception
    • Isolated preparation of sympathetic neuro effector junctions of cat’s sweat gland secrete Ach.
    • HYPOGASTRIC sympathetic supply to the uterus of bitch receives Ach as post ganglionic sympathetic neuro transmitter.
    • Stellate ganglionic sympathetic fibers at their post ganglionic end secretes Ach in corony supply of cat and dog.
  • Other-
    • Sympathetic vasodilators secreting Ach is seen in the buccofacial region of dog, hind limb muscles of cat, coronary arteries of dog and cat, and penis in dog.
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