Lymph nodes of neck and forelimb

Lymph nodes of neck and forelimb are Cervical lymph node, Costocervical lymph node, Periscapular lymph node, and Axillary lymph node.

Cervical lymph node
  • These are placed along the course of the common carotid artery in the upper, middle and lower third of the neck as anterior, middle and posterior cervical.
  • Afferents:
    • The larynx, trachea, oesophagus, thyroid, thymus and muscles and bones of the neck.
    • The posterior cervicals receive in addition the efferents from the prescapular and axillary nodes.
  • Efferents: Anterior and middle cervicals go to the tracheal ducts and those from the posterior cervical on the left join the left tracheal duct or thoracic duct and on the right lymphatic duct.
Costocervical lymph node
  • It is situated in front of the first rib under the scalenus muscle (absent in the horse) dorsal to the carotid artery.
  • Afferents: Trachea, oesophagus cervical, shoulder muscles and those of intercostal and anterior mediastinal nodes.
  • Efferents: On the left to the thoracic duct and on the right to the right lymphatic duct.
Prescapular lymph node
  • It is situated at the anterior border of the supraspinatus about 10 to 13 cm, above the shoulder joint under cover of the omotransversarius and brachiocephalicus.
  • Afferents: Skin and muscles of neck forelimb and thorax.
  • Efferents: Similar to the preceding.
Axillary lymph node
  • It is placed on the medial face of teres major.
  • Afferents: Muscles of shoulder, arm, forearm, latissimus dorsi, shoulder, elbow and carpal joints etc.
  • Efferents: To posterior cervical lymph nodes.
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