Large intestine of Pig
The caecum of pig is cylindrical. It lies in the upper and cranial part of the left flank, and extends ventrally, backward and medially behind the coiled part of the colon, so that its ventral blind end usually lies on the floor of the abdomen near the median plane and at a variable point between the umbilicus and the pelvic inlet.
The caecum has three longitudinal muscular bands and three rows of sacculations, which is continued a short distance to the colon.
The solitary nodules are numerous and appear as round prominences. The ileum joins the caecum obliquely and projects considerably in to the latter.
A fold of mucous membrane called frenulum ilei passes from each side of the ileo-caecal opening.
The colon presents the ascending, transverse and descending parts.
The ascending colon has three wide centripetal coils, a central flexure and three narrow centrifugal coils.
The colon lies chiefly to the left of the median plane behind the stomach. The rectum is surrounded by a quantity of fat.