Investigation of the Individual Infertile Cow

Investigation of the Individual Infertile Cow

Investigation of the individual infertile cow is done by reproductive history of the animal, clinical examinations like rectal and vaginal examination, etc.


Complete general and reproductive history is primary importance:

  • Any problem at the previous calving.
  • Dystocia, retained fetal membranes, metritis etc.
  • Dates and number of times inseminated.
  • Length of the cycle.
  • How long the animal stayed in heat.
  • Poor expression of heat silent heat etc.

Clinical Examination

Clinical examination of infertile cow include:

  • External Inspection
  • Rectal Examination
  • Vaginal examination
  • Diagnostic Tests

External Inspection

  • Body condition.
  • Possible scars of cesarean section or other surgical procedures leading to abdominal adhesions.
  • Inspection of vulva, perineum and vestibule for evidence of current or healed lesions discharges and also for proper apposition of labia.

Rectal Examination

  • Palpate the cervix to determine its size and position in relation to the pelvic brim and the uterine horns to determine if involution is complete.
  • Retract the uterus fully and assess the texture of the uterus, the degree of tone, the mobility of horns and absence of adhesions. The absence of signs of pregnancy should be confirmed.
  • Palpate the uterine for evidence of induration or increased size.
  • Palpate the ovarian bursa for evidence of adhesions.
  • Palpate the ovaries to note their position, mobility and size and to identify the presence of any structures.

Vaginal examination

Explore the vagina by a speculum or hand to examine the mucosa and to inspect the mucus.

Diagnostic Tests

  • Most of the diagnostic tests are of limited value.
  • Milk of serum progesterone assay to identify the presence of luteal tissue.
  • Serological tests against specific infections like C. fetus.
  • Bacterial swabbing and culture of vaginal mucus.
  • PSP test for tubal patency.
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