Hyoidean articulations

Table of Contents

  • In connection with the hyoid bone, five joints are formed on each side viz,
    1. basicornual between the body and keratohyoid (1)
    2. intercornual between kerato and epihyoid and between epi and stylohyoid
    3. temporo hyoidean between stylohyoid and hyoid process of petrous temporal
    4. thyro hyoidean between the thyroid cartilage of larynx and thyrohyoid.

The basicornual articulation is a diarthrodial joint between the shallow articular cup on the lower end of keratohyoid and a convex articular facet on the body. There is a joint capsule the movement is chiefly hinge like. The intercornual and temporo-hyoidean articulations are amphiarthorses. The thyro-hyoidean articulation is syndesmoses.

  1. The movements of hyoid bone are concerned chiefly in the acts of mastication and deglutition.
  2. During deglutition, the ventral parts of the hyoid bone are moved forward and upward carrying the root of the tongue and larynx with them and then return to their former position.
  • As the epihyoid is fused with the stylohyoid and is the only one intercornual articulation.
  •  No difference.
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