Hormonal and Nutritional Causes of Abortion

Hormonal and Nutritional Causes of Abortion

Hormonal and nutritional causes of abortion in livestock are critical factors affecting reproductive efficiency and fetal development.

Hormonal and Nutritional Causes of Abortion
Hormonal and Nutritional Causes of Abortion

Hormonal Causes of Abortion

Diethylstilbestrol (Repositol)

100mg upto 4 months of gestation and 25mg or more for each additional months of gestation produced abortion in 3 to 12 days after the injection.

Glucocorticoids or Hydrocortisone

There is a close relationship between the adrenal gland and the maintenance of pregnancy. The adrenal gland can readily convert progesterone and androgens into cortisone and cortisol.

Progesterone Deficiency

Abortions due to progesterone deficiency occurred at 45 to 180 days, more often 83 per cent prior to 100 days of gestation.

500 mg of Repositol progesterone every 7 to 14 days starting 20 to 30 days before the expected abortion until 200-230 days of gestation in habitually aborting cows will maintain the pregnancy normally.

Pituitary Oxytocin

Given during gestation will not cause abortion in animals except horses and primates.

Nutritional Causes of Abortion

Acute severe starvation may results in abortion in pregnant cattle.

Vitamin A Deficiency

Usually terminates in abortion in late pregnancy, or in the birth of weak or dead young. Vit a deficiency causes keratinisation of the vaginal epithelium and degeneration of the placenta leading to abortion.

Iodine and possible selenium deficiency may cause weak or dead calves at term and abortion in cattle.

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