Golgi tendon reflex

Golgi tendon reflex

Golgi tendon reflex or inverse myotatic reflex or clasp-knife reflex is a protective reflex to prevent over stretching and tear of muscle fibres and coordinate skeletal muscle acti.

  • Sensory receptor organ : golgi tendon organ
  • Present in tendons of somatic skeletal muscle
  • Present in pheripheral terminal and large of mylinated, class Ib nerve fibres.
  • These receptors are excited during muscle contraction as contraction causes stretch of the tendon.
  • These recptors are sensitive to change in the muscle tension.
  • Class Ib fibres terminate in the internuncial neurons of spinal cord after forming a mono synaptic reflex arc.
  • When muscle contracts, muscle tension increases which also causes increased tension of muscle tendons which in turn ends in the stimulation of golgi tendons.
  • Sensory fibres from this receptor transmit signals to spinal cord to inhibit muscle contraction.
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