Digits of Hindlimb


Digits of Hindlimb of Ox is Resemble those of the forelimb very closely

Sheep and Goat

Digits of hindlimb of sheep and goat is same as Ox

  • Compared with corresponding phalanges of the pectoral limb, the first phalanx is a little short, wider above and narrower below; the second is slightly longer and narrower, the third is narrower, the angle of inclination of the dorsal surface a little greater. The planter surface is more concave and the angles are less prominent and closer together.
  • The proximal sesamoids are smaller and the distal shorter and narrower.

Digits of hindlimb of pig – Each chief digit comprises of three phalanges.

  • Of the five digits the first is often absent.
  • The other four digits constantly present and resemble those of the forelimb.
Right Pes of the Dog - Metatarsal bones - Tarsal bones - vetscraft - digits of hindlimb
Right Pes of the Dog
  • There are five digits.
  • The first is the shortest and the third is the longest.
  • The first digit has two phalanges and the rest have three each.
  • Four digits are usually present and the firth digit is absent. The number of phalanges in each digit is one more than the serial number of the digit.
  • The phalanges of each digit diverge and enclose the inter-digital spaces.
Digits of hindlimb of fowl - Tarsometatarsus and bones of the toe - vetscraft
Digits of hindlimb of fowl – Tarsometatarsus and bones of the toe
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