Controlled Breeding and Assisted Reproduction in Zoo

Controlled Breeding and Assisted Reproduction in Zoo

Controlled breeding and assisted reproduction in zoo is gaining more significance now a days and is being considered as one of the significant factor linked to effective conservation of different wild animal species belonging to various taxonomical classes.

Artificial Insemination

Artificial Insemination technique is used in multiple species of the animals ranging from the honey bee to elephant. This significant reproductive technology is useful in captive breeding of wild animal species like the highly valued and endangered wild animals.

For example, Tigers, Lions, Elephants, Chimpanzees, etc. Frozen semen banks are highly required with history of the concerned wild animal species used for further advancement of breeding.

Electro-ejaculators are being used to collect semen from male genital organs, involving the application of varied and measured electric current over the selected sites of the body. Female genitalia based diseases like pyometra, metritis, etc. may be fully avoided by using this assisted reproductive technology.

Embryo Transfer

Many genetically superior wild animals germplasm may be used for breeding purpose and the associated factors with embryo-transfer are:

  • Timely recovery of embryos.
  • Timely deposition of embryos.
  • Superior germplasm of the bulls used for production of embryos.

Embryo-transfer techniques in wild animal species may help in minimizing the risk of disease- transmission associated with the long-distance movement of breeding wild animals.

Embryo-tansfers were frequently carried out in deer and camelid species, in general. Studies have to be undertaken with regard to super-ovulatory responses in multiple-species of wild animals reared under captive conditions.

Cloning Technology

Though much progress has not been made in wild animal species with regard to cloning technology, it is to be understood that the cloning of a targeted wild animal species from an adult somatic cell may be considered as one of the technological advances with regard to assisted reproduction in wild animals.

It is significant that in many animals the great majority of cloned embryos may perish before reaching full term. If the cloned embryos have more epigenetic errors, then there is likelihood of death among such cloned embryos. It is a known fact that cloned embryos contain fewer cells than the case with normal embryos.

In-Vitro Embryo Production

The embryos may be preserved even after the death of the concerned wild animal. However availability of experiment-based informations are scarce in nature.

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