Common Surgical Procedures of Zoo and Wild Animals

Common Surgical Procedures of Zoo and Wild Animals

Common surgical procedures of zoo and wild animals are prolapse of genital tract, caesarian, fractures, deformed hooves, abscess, etc.

Prolapse of Genital Tract

The prolapsed mass is to be reduced by using sterile saline and antiseptic solution and suture may be placed accordingly. Prolapse of cloaca and related organs is commonly seen in crocodiles, snakes etc.


In prolonged parturition or dystocia, caesarian may be required in any wild animal species but care is to be taken to full extent during administration of any anaesthetic or any immobilizing agent in such clinical cases.


Appropriate surgical intervention are required in case of fracture related incidences.

However, limitations are three due to excitability of wild animal species in general when compared to domestic animals.

Deformed Hooves

Deformed Hooves are common among antelopes, bovids and deers. To facilitate gait, surgical methods of trimming of the excessively grown hoof structures are highly required.

However, by using immobilizing agents, wild animals need to be sedated first prior to surgical intervention.


Abscess may occur in any region including velvet region of species like deer.

This may be commonly seen among deers with velvet. Drainage with irrigation of abscess cavities with antiseptic solutions is a must along with protection of treated regions from any other contamination.

Cutaneous abscesses / lumps are commonly noticed especially in pythons. Depending on the symptoms, surgical intervention may be undertaken.

Miscellaneous Conditions

  • Tumorous growths in body regions
  • Amputation of horns
  • Trimming of tusk
  • Rasping of tooth
  • Birth related operations like vasectomy or removal of ovaries or uterus or any part of genital organs
  • Amputation of any gangrenous extremities
  • Removal of eyeball due to irreparable injuries or tissues that are highly damaged
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