Characteristics of different types of muscles

Characteristics of different types of muscles

Cell shape, size and interactions and cell organellesCylindrical 10 – 100 µm diameters 2-3 cm long, no electrical coupling (cell to cell conduction), no branching, prominent T- tubules, multiple nuclei, varying degree mitochondria present, triad is prominent.Elongated fusiform 1 – 12 µm dai.,15 – 500 µm long, functional syncytium,no branching. Moderately developed sarcoplasmic reticulum system, less prominent, T- tubules, few mitochondriaMulti branched 2 –20 µm dia., 20-200 µm long, intercalated disc provide electrical coupling. Abundant mitochndria. No lateral cisternae, fairly developed sarcoplasmic reticular system.
RhythmicityNilPresentPresent & characteristic
ConductivityVery fastSlowerSlower
All or none lawTrue for single fiberTrue for single fiberTrue for the whole heart.
ContractilitySimple muscle curveSlow- all periods of the curve longerContraction longer than relaxation
Refractory periodShort (with in latent period)LongerLongest (whole contraction period is absolute refractory)
TetanusPossibleNot soImpossible (long refractory period ensures recovery)
FatiguePossiblePossibleImpossible (long refractory period ensures recovery)
TonicityDepend on nerveIndependent of nerveIndependent of nerve
Action PotentialRMP = -70 mV, AP is 1 msec long, AP depends on Na+ and K+ gradient. No spontaneous activity.RMP = – 55mV (-50 to -60), larger resting Na+ permeability. AP depends on Ca2+ gradient. AP 10 ms long, AP is Ca2+ permeability dependent (SLOW CHANNEL). Stretch and pacemaker activation.RMP = -90 mV. AP dependent gradients of Ca2+ K+ and Na+. Spontaneous pacemaker activity, no stretch induced activity, AP 250 msec long.
Actomyosin ATPaseWell developedLowest actomysion ATPase.Moderate amount of actomysin ATPase.
Ca2+Ca2+ removes inhibition due to troponin. Ca2+ from sacrcoplasmic reticulum only, Ca2+ increases the activity of ATPase during contraction.No troponin system. sparse sarcoplasmic reticular Ca2+. Ca2+ form ECF (by diffusion). Ca2+ so latent period is more prolonged. Ca2+ pump works slowly causing relaxation, so more contraction time.Ca2+ from ECF and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Troponin system present. Extensive Ca+, Na+ exchange system. Ca↑es strength of contraction and duration of systole.
Na+ExcitationProbably sameInitiates and maintains heart beat.
K+Reduce excitability and hastens fatigueProbably sameInhibits contraction and produces relaxation
FatsMostly neutral fatsMostly neutral fatsMore phospholipids and cholesterol than in other
InorganicNa+/K+ = 1/5 Ca2+About sameNa+/K+ = ½ Ca2+ ie., more Na+
Energy metabolismGlycolysis and oxidative metabolism.Primarily glycosysisOxidative metabolism with high O2 need. Also glycolysis & fatty acid metabolism.
Lactic acidOxidized less easily than glucose and often incompleteSame as skeletalCompletely and more readily than glucose
GlycogenDecreased metabolism of glycogen during starvationSame as skeletalIncreased glycogen metabolism during starvation.
Blood supply and O2 consumptionmoderateLessHigh
ControlVoluntaryNot so, involuntaryNot so, involuntary
InnervationsSingle innervation with Peripheral NS A-ch as neurotransmitter.Dually innervated by Autonomic NS. Excitation and inhibition modulates ongoing activityDually innervated by ANS. Parasympathetic slows down activity and sympathetic increases.
Electrical eventsShort AP (1 ms) does not over lap with twitch event (30 ms). Summation possible.Relatively short Ap (5-10 ms), does not over lap with prolonged twitches. Summation possibleVery long AP (250 ms), almost completely overlaps with long twitches (300 ms). No tetanus and no summation possible.
Characteristics of different types of muscles
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