Histology is study of different tissue of animal body, epithelium and connective tissue, special histology of circulatory, digestive, respiratory, urinary, integumentary, reproductive, endocrine, lymphoid, and nervous system
Click on given links below to read respective topics
- Tissues
- Epithelium
- Classification of epithelium
- Connective tissue
- Classification of Connective tissue
- Reticulo-endothelial system
- Epithelium glands
- Cartilage
- Bone (Osseous tissue)
- Blood and Lymph
- Muscle tissue
- Nervous tissue
- Axon or Axis cylinder
- Neurolemma or sheath of Schwann
- Medullated or Myelinated nerve fibers
- Amyelinated or non-myelinated nerve fibers
- Connective tissue of peripheral nerve
- Blood supply of nerve fiber
- Physiological properties of the nerve fiber
- Nerve terminations
- Effectors
- Visceral efferent fibers
- Receptors
- Muscles spindles (Neuromuscular spindles)
- Muscle tendon spindle (Organ of Golgi)
- Synapse
- Ganglia
- Neuroglia
- Repair and regeneration of adult tissue
- Special Histology