Axon or Axis cylinder

The single axon arises from a special part of the periphery of cell body called axon hillock. This area is devoid of Nissl bodies and Golgi apparatus. Length of axon varies from a fraction of a millimeter to several feet.

Branches arise at right angles form axons and are called collaterals axon is made up of fibrillae embedded.

In axioplasm and covered by a membrane axolemma. Nerves fibers are formed by the axon and its sheaths.

All peripheral nerve fibers consist of the axon covered with a thin protoplasmic sheath called neurolemma or sheath of Schwann.

Another sheath myelin or medullary sheath seen in some nerve fibers is next to the axis cylinder and neurolemma. These latter fibers showing myelin sheath are called myelinated or medullated nerve fibers.

Those without myelin sheath are amyelinated or non medullated nerve fibers.

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