Atrial natriuretic peptide

Atrial natriuretic peptide

Secretion of Atrial natriuretic peptide or ANP is stimulated by increase in atrial pressure caused either by pressor agents or by increase in atrial volume.

It is synthesized and stored in the atrial muscles as 126 amino acid pro-ANP which is cleaved to become 28-amino acid active hormone.

On kidney, ANP produces natriuretic and diuretic effects, increases GFR, renal excretion of water, Na, Ca, Cl, Mg and phosphate.

The ANP blocks the secretion of vasopressin from neurohypophysis and angiotensin II or ACTH stimulated release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex.

Atrial natriuretic peptide causes decrease in blood pressure and it also inhibits renin secretion.

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