Anatomy of Vagina
The vagina of Animals is a tubular passage extending from the neck of the uterus to the vulva.
Vagina of Cow
Vagina of Cow is about 25 to 30 cm long and there is no line of demarcation between it and the vulva. It is related above to the rectum, below to the bladder and urethra, and laterally to the pelvic wall. Half of the vagina is retroperitoneal.
The mucous membrane is highly elastic and has no glands. In the ventral wall of the vagina, between the muscular and mucous coats, there are two ducts along with the length of the tube called as canals of Gartner, which open on either side of the external urethral orifice. The cranial end of the vagina is occupied by cervix.
The caudal part is directly, continuous behind with the vulva. The only line of demarcation is a transverse fold- hymen, which covers the external urethral orifice.
Vagina of Eve and Doe
Vagina of Eve and Doe is three or four inches long. Its ventral part contains numerous lymph follicles.
Vagina of Mare
Vagina of mare is Shorter in length 15 to 20 cm It is less capacious. Vaginal wall is thinner, canals of Gartner is generally absent.
Vagina of Sow
Vagina of sow is small in caliber, about 4-5 inches and medium size. The mucous membrane is plicated.
Vagina of Bitch
Vagina of bitch is relatively long and narrow. The fornix is indistinct and the mucous -membrane forms longitudinal folds in Bitch.
Vagina of Rabbit
Vagina of Rabbit is an elongated tube like structure.