Adrenal gland of Animals
Adrenal gland of
The adrenals gland are two small, flattened, reddish brown, ductless glands situated in the roof of the abdomen in Ox. They are elongated from before backwards and flattened from side to side.
The right adrenal lies against the medial part of the cranial pole of the right kidney. The medial face is flattened and applied against the right crus of the diaphragm. The lateral surface lies in the renal impression of the liver. The ventral surface is grooved for the passage of the caudal venacava. The base is concave and rests against the cranial end of the right kidney.
The apex fits into the angle between the dorsal border of liver and the caudal venacava. The left adrenal is flattened. The right surface is related to the caudal venacava and left surface to the rumen. The caudal border is deeply notched. It does not migrate with the left kidney.
Adrenal gland of Sheep and Goat
Both the adrenal gland are bean shaped in sheep and goat. The right surface one lies along the medial border of the kidney The left surface one is longer and somewhat bent. It is not in contact with the kidney from which it may be separated by 2 inches.
Adrenal gland of Horse
Adrenal gland of Horse are flattened bodies lying in contact with the cranial parts of the medial borders of the kidneys.
Adrenal gland of Pig
Adrenal gland of Pig are long and narrow. Each lies along the medial border of the corresponding kidney from the hilus forward.
Adrenal gland of Dog
The right adrenal gland of dog is prismatic and pointed at either end. It is placed between the cranial part of the medial border of the right kidney and the caudal vena cava. The left adrenal is elongated and located along the abdominal aorta.
Adrenal gland of Rabbit
The paired adrenals of Rabbit are located cranial and medial to the kidneys and appear flattened against the dorsal body wall.
Adrenal gland of Fowl
Adrenal gland of Fowl are small bodies about the size of a pea and lie against the medial part of the cranial ends of kidneys.